HTML Elements and Tags
<ul> - Used to define an Unordered List
<ol> - Used to define an Ordered List
<li> - Used inside <ul> and <ol> tags to define list items, appearing typcially with bullet
points for <ul> and with either numbers or letters in an
Ordered List: Unordered List:Example:
<img> - Used to embed an image into the page
<map> - Used with <img> to create an interactive image map that allows the user to click
different areas of the picture
Find Nyla!Example:
<del> - Used to define deleted text from a document, most commonly depicted by a strike-through
This is an example of Example:
deletion of text
<ins> - Used to define text that has been inserted into a document, most commonly depicted using
an underline formatting
This is an example of insertion of textExample:
<abbr> - Used to define an abbreviation or acronym when hovered over by a user or read by a
screen reader
This is an eg of the abbreviation tag icydkExample:
<summary> - Used as the clickable label for the <details> element to be revealed or
The summary tag was the "Example" toggle you just clicked!Example:
<details> - Used to create a widget that can display additional information, used with
<summary> as the clickable element
This is the details section of the details tagExample:
<object> - Used to create a container for an external resource like images, web pages, media
players or
plug-in applications although with much less functionality for modern browswers